Team Kakashi (Team #7)
Project maintained by jc2554
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Meeting Minutes
- 11:15 All arrive, meeting begins, decide to relocate to Upson Hall
- 11:25 Begin work on team contract
- 12:00 Complete team contract, conclude meeting
- 11:35 Discuss potential contract changes
- 11:40 Decide to schedule team meetings for 4:30-5:30 PM on Fridays on which we are not given class time to team meetings
- 11:41 Decide that the team leader, rather than Ken, sets agenda before each meeting
- 11:44 Conclude meeting, with final note that we are meeting 4:30-6:30 to complete Milestone 2
- 11:15 Start, discuss the schedule for next week
- 11:20 discuss possible enhancement for the robot to make sharper turns
- 11:25 two subteams give status update on llab 2
- 11:30 assign individual duty for lab 2 and milestone 1 report/website, due on Saturday for everyone to give feedback
- 11:55 All arrive after lecture. Discuss redoing wiring this weekend.
- 11:58 Agree that Sanush, Amanda, and Adrian will show up Saturday to rewire.
- 12:00 Discuss if we need to buy new servos.
- 12:05 No conclusion reached. Conclude.
- 11:17 team evaluations, do them by 8am tomorrow
- 11:19 lab 3?- graphical is almost done- planning ahead now// audio is meeting today to finish
- 11:21 improving the robot wiring? will start on monday during lab if all done
- 11:23 discuss amplifier
- 11:24 new parts?- maybe servos?- we will make a list discussing pros and cons
- 11:30 finalize wiring after new parts arrive
- 11:31 adrian is new lead
- 11:17 Lab 3 due in ⅖ weeks
- 11:20 Include segments of code in website instead of pseudocode
- 11:25 Build amplifier circuit for both treasure detection and start signal
- 12:01 Start meeting, agree to do prelab reading for lab 4
- 12:05 Conclude meeting
- 11:15 Meet today to finish up lab 4
- 11:16 Finish write up for monday,
- 11:18 Get ready to do milestone 3 for monday’s lab
- 11:18 Ken is team starting next week
- 11:20 Discuss any additional expenditures
- 11:30 pcb’s?
- 11:15 Start meeting. Group agrees that we do not need to go to additional lab hours before Monday.
- 11:18 Agree to come to our Monday night lab. Conclude meeting.
- 4:20 Start meeting, determine that we are well on track for Milestone 3.
- 4:25 Decide that those of us that can will come to lab Saturday. Conclude meeting.
- 11:15 Discuss milestone 4 status
- 11:20 Ethic assignment plan
- 11:25 Everyone give update on each parts
- 11:30 Remind about team evaluation is due Sat, and conclude meeting
- 11:15 Begin meeting. Agree to all show up to lab tonight.
- 11:17 Set plan for milestone 4
- 11:20 Conclude meeting.
- 11:15 Begin meeting.
- 11:16 Make a list of goals to accomplish before the final competition: better chassis, rewiring, etc.
- 11:30 Discuss schedules, and decide when to meet over the weekend.
- 11:35 Conclude meeting.